
Ajyal film festival concludes today with world premiere Bilal

Published: 05 Dec 2015 - 12:27 am | Last Updated: 10 Nov 2021 - 07:24 am

DOHA: The third Ajyal Youth Film Festival concludes today with the World Premiere of action adventure animated feature Bilal.
Directed by Ayman Jamal and Khurram H Alavi, the film is a story of faith, hope and self discovery inspired by the real-life story of Bilal Bin Rabah and involved creative talents from more than 22 countries.
At the closing ceremony, the winners of the Ajyal Awards, chosen by a young jury aged 8 to 21, will be honoured.
Three Ajyal Juries with members aged eight to 21 were tasked to choose a Best Film prize to short and feature-length films in the festival’s competitive sections namely Mohaq, Hilal, and Bader.
Tonight brings to close a week-long celebration of film, industry deliberations and live events tailored for film lovers and families. The festival showcase included 80 films from 36 countries including a showcase of 17 films ‘Made in Qatar.’
Several short films in the Bariq segment that are selected for children from the age of four will also be screened at 11.45am today at the Katara Drama Theatre. The films include Crush by Brent Dawes, The Law of the Jungle by Pascale Hecquet, The Mitten by Clementine Robach, and My Panda by Camille Billaud, Doriane Lopez and Domitille Mellac.
Film-lovers also have the final opportunity to watch some of the accomplished works in international cinema today including Celestial Camel by Yury Feting to screen at 11am at Katara 12 – Theatre A. At 12pm, Katara 12 – Theatre B will screen The Greatest House in the World directed by Ana V. Bojorquez and Lucia Carreras.
Walls by Migueltxo Molina and Pablo Iraburu will screen at 2 PM at Katara 12 – Theatre A and Phantom Boy , directed by Jean-Loup Felicioli and Alain Gagnol, at 2.45pm at Katara 12-Theatre B.
At 2.45 PM at Katara Drama Theatre, Wolf Totem by Academy Award-winner Jean-Jacques Annaud will be screened in 3D. Other films scheduled for screening today include Lamb (5pm, Katara 12 – Theatre), Mina Walking (5.45pm, Katara 12 – Theatre B), The Second Mother (8.30pm, Katara 12 Theatre A) and Mia madre (9.15pm, Katara 12-Theatre B.
The Peninsula