DOHA: The Supreme Council of Health (SCH) has equipped its food monitoring unit laboratory with a powerful microscope that even can detect the fungal (bacteria) and unhygienic remains in unwashed hands of food handlers at eateries, cafeteria and food processing units.
The microscope has been showcased at laboratory unit inside the tent of SCH set up at Darb El-Saii to mark National Day.
“The microscope is very powerful and it can detect contaminated foods caused by food handlers who if not properly washed their hands after using toilets for example,” said Wafa Shebil, the Supervisor of Food Safety Unit at SCH.
Food handlers are also required to put proper bandage if they have any cut or injuries and cover it with a plastic wrapper. If they did not do so they will be caught because unhealed wound produce an specific type of fungal that could be detected through microscope. The fungal transferred to the foods they are preparing if it was not cared properly.
The microscope also can detect several types of fungal and unhygienic remain on foodstuffs (cooked meals, fruits and vegetables) that could not be seen by naked eyes, said Shebil. Fungal and bacteria that could be detected by microscope installed at the laboratory of SCH are staphylococcus, salmonella, penicillium and bacillus E.coli.
The Peninsula