DOHA: The Supreme Council of Health (SCH) has launched the first patients’ rights charter in Qatar that clearly identifies the rights and responsibilities of patients while availing of health care services.
“The charter of patients’ rights and responsibilities” launched by the Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners (QCHP) at SCH aims to ensure satisfaction of both patients and health care providers by building mutual respect through a clearly defined legal framework, SCH said in a statement yesterday.
The rights of patients mentioned in the charter include access to health care services with respect, safety and security. The patients have the right to information about their health condition and to take part in making decisions about the treatment process.
It is their right to be assured about the privacy and confidentiality of medical records. Patients also have the right to lodge complaints officially against health care facilities if they are not satisfied with the services they have received.
The patients’ responsibilities include furnishing full information to the health care provider or practitioner about their health condition and follow the prescribed treatment process to get the expected results.
It is also the responsibility of patients and those accompanying them to respect health care providers and their employees, other patients and public properties. They must abide by the law and follow the procedures and instructions related to safety and stick to patient appointments.
If they can not show up, they must inform the providers in advance. The patients are also obliged to fulfil all financial liabilities to the providers regularly.
The charter is available in Arabic and English and will be translated into several other languages including Hindi, Urdu, Bangla, Nepali and Malayalam so that it can reach to the maximum number of people from different nationalities, said the statement.
Prior to launch of the charter, QCHP conducted a campaign under the slogan “ Your health Your right” to introduce it to the public and health care providers.
The campaign highlighted that patients are the first responsible for ensuring high quality healthcare service by knowing their rights and responsibilities. Pamphlets and brochures were distributed to healthcare providers introducing the charter, asking them to display it in a prominent way in their premises for information of the public.
Dr Samr Abu Saoud, acting CEO of QCHP said that the rights and responsibilities of the patients assume significance since they are fundamental in achieving the goals of the National Health Strategy.
Work on the charter started two years ago and it has already been approved by the Permanent Licensing Committee at SCH.
The Peninsula