DOHA: Parking near mosques will be strictly forbidden during off-prayer time, says the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs.
The rule will be made effective in six months but the ministry has launched an awareness campaign now.
The campaign is being conducted in collaboration with the Traffic Department and will continue for six months to create awareness about parking spaces allocated for worshippers and being used by motorists during non-prayer time, said the ministry.
After six months, motorists who violate the rule will be punished.
There are 53 supervisors at the Department of Mosques at the ministry and they will be out monitoring and making sure the no-parking rule near mosques during off-prayer time is effectively implemented.
Violators who do not respect the worshippers’ right will be brought to book, the ministry said in a statement.
Stickers will be put on violating vehicles, asking the owners to respect the worshippers’ right and that a mosque’s car parking space is only meant for worshippers and using the parking slots in non-prayer time makes the user liable to legal action, the ministry said.
The current awareness campaign is a result of a letter of intent signed by the Department of Mosques and the Traffic Department earlier this year and follows a meeting at the beginning of this month between the two parties with imams and preachers to ensure their involvement in the initiative.
The campaign will include sermons, distribution of brochures, sms to be sent to people and installation of notice boards in several languages, including Arabic, English and Urdu.
The Department of Mosques decided to make this move after noting that some companies and individuals are using shaded parking areas near mosques to park their vehicles for longer hours, or use the space for other things, preventing worshippers from using the space during prayer time.
The Peninsula