DOHA: A team from College of North Atlantic Qatar (CNA-Q) won the first prize at ‘Enterprise Challenge Qatar’ 2015, a competition to develop the spirit of entrepreneurship among young people.
The team ‘El Classico’ received the first prize in the final round of the business simulation and business pitch competition between 11 universities in Qatar.
The winning team took home a prize of QR20,000 to fund their business idea and its implementation within their university campus.
Second place was awarded to the ‘Virtuoso’ team from Qatar University while ‘The Price Takers’ team from Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar was awarded third place.
‘Enterprise Challenge Qatar’ is an annual competition that encourages and inspires the entrepreneurial spirit among young people, enhances their business knowledge and equips them with skills, including team work and strategic thinking.
It has tiers for high school and university students, and is made up of two parts — the Ethical Business Challenge, which tests participants’ ability to balance the economic, environmental and social performance of their company; and the Business Simulation element which familiarises students with general business concepts from inception through to trading, finance, sales, marketing and production. To make the competition more challenging for university students, the ‘business pitching of ethical and original business ideas’ was introduced.
This additional aspect of the programme saw the top six finalist teams pitching their business concepts to a panel of judges, showing how they would start a small profitable business within their universities.
Abdulaziz Al Khalifa, CEO, Qatar Development Bank, and Chairman, Bedaya Centre, said, “We believe that entrepreneurship is the cornerstone of a knowledge-based economy. “Bedaya’s mission to encourage young people to consider entrepreneurship as a career option is key to fostering a thriving private sector and ensures its sustainability for future generations.
The Peninsula