Views /Editor-in-Chief

Relations and permanent interests

Dr. Khalid Al-Shafi

15 Mar 2017

Dr. Khalid Al-Shafi / Editor-in-Chief

Historical and social relations, along the geopolitical borders of states, form the foundation of relations between countries in different parts of the world. This is the prevailing perception among societies and how world relations have been understood.
However, perceptions and understanding of relations and cooperation between countries have changed with the time. The concept of common interest has become a very common language in our contemporary world and accordingly, each country looks at its own strategic interests in light of their objectives and surrounding circumstances.
Perhaps, interests play a key role in building relations and is a factor driving development and enhancing stability in any given country, but what is difficult to understand is to see some countries being forced to bow before others and suffer interventions of other powers even if this contradicts their national interests! This sometimes happens with the aim of hindering their development and reduce their chances to enter an era of becoming dependent on themselves.
In the world of politics, there are no permanent relations but only permanent interests which is the concept being taught in colleges and different educational institutions. Whatever differences political experts have regarding the concept of state relations, most of them agree that interest is the major factor for cooperation between states.
I am not here to criticise relations between states or policies of a certain country because each country is free to take the suitable steps it wants and serve its interests in line with the international laws and without affecting the rights and interests of other states. But instead, I am here to draw the ordinary reader’s attention to the basis for international relations and major factors governing them.