Dr. Khalid Al-Shafi
Dr. Khalid Al-Shafi
I think it has become clear to everyone especially for the Gulf society and generally for the international community that what happened at the QNA hacking night was nothing but personal and individual interests to control the State of Qatar and make it a dependent state having no say or sovereignty or orientation.
What the blockade countries have done during the Holy month of Ramadan is an unjust siege on the sisterly country Qatar, which is known for its decisive positions on a number of issues that concern the entire region, and I am not here to count Qatar’s stances on issues of Yemen, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Iraq and Somalia rather we will leave history to reflect and reality to witness those positions that will not be forgotten by the Arab and Islamic and whole free world.
Competition for the leadership of the region may not be the sole motive behind attempts to harm the State of Qatar, which has always endeavored to cooperate and show solidarity with the Gulf system but this system has proved its failure and leanness to countries within the GCC organization, as it has been unable to find a solution to the siege imposed on Qatar during the Holy month of Ramadan.
The General Secretariat of the GCC has not moved since the beginning of the crisis, as if the crisis is in the Arctic in the north. Unfortunately the General Secretariat kept silent and did not move to find solutions to restore relations between the member countries. When the Secretary General spoke after six months of the blockade, he blamed Qatari media showing his full prejudice against Qatar.
It was better for the blockading states to look at the future of the Gulf region and the real danger it faces and the repercussions of the internal conflicts in the surrounding countries on its security instead of trying to limit the role of Qatar, which has always been in favor of the Gulf system and always enhanced its presence and role for it.
The blessed month of Ramadan, a month of mercy and social solidarity, that keeps relatives in close touch, did not discourage the countries of the blockade from imposing the unjust siege or moving towards things worse than that.
However, all these plans failed thanks to Allah and then to our wise leadership and the awareness of the Qatari people. This siege, has cut off all inter family ties of the Gulf society and insulted the sanctities and showed disrespect to all norms and attributed to Qatar all the world’s issues and problems.
In this regard, I can say what kind of neighbours they are? Neighbours who do not respect the Holy month of Ramadan and work to draw benefits of sedition, and for those who defame people. Even preachers, for whom we have all respect, have become the part of chorus of loyalists to the decision-makers.
We have no doubt that these slander campaigns were not made by the people of the siege countries or at their conviction by any means rather it is a work that stands behind it in the form of a small group that reaps many benefits from it. Therefore, they abuse in various ways to obtain the satisfaction of officials concerned in the blockading countries.
We do not want to go into what these countries have committed against the State of Qatar because they have used all possible ways to insult Qatar and tarnish its image. Thank to Allah we are in a better position than before, and we are better without them and whoever doubts that Qatar today is better than yesterday let him come to see this great difference. We have relied on ourselves in many things and Doha has become a destination for everyone from around the world. The clock does not turn back and Qatar has set itself on the a path of development and is moving forward towards perfection and success, God willing.