Dr. Khalid Al-Shafi
Politicians, observers and bloggers have agreed that the speech of Emir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani at the 70th session of UNGA reflected the views of people suffering in different parts of the world from wars, poverty and political instability.
The brave and strong stance of Qatar was presented by the Emir and he expressed the aspirations of people keeping away from religion or identity or narrow interests.
His Highness addressed the hot issues and challenges facing the world, on top of which are fighting terrorism, ending the conflict in Syria which has resulted in the death and displacement of millions of innocent Syrians, while the entire world kept watching one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent years.
The Emir made clear Qatar’s fixed position that terrorism can be fought only by addressing its root causes, which is a logical and strong stance. There is no point in fighting terrorism while the causative factors remain. Emir explained that no religion incites terror and all faiths call for peace, love, development and the prosperity of human being.
The Emir also highlighted the situation in Al Aqsa mosque by saying ‘what is happening in Al Aqsa is violation to human rights and a stain on the forehead of humanity’. He urged the international community to address this major issue to achieve peace in the region.
His Highness proposed solutions for several pressing global issues, urging the UNSC to issue a resolution to force Israel to implement the peace resolutions.
The phenomenon of terrorism threatens security, poses political challenges and this requires addressing the issue through development, promotion of dialogue, enhancing security and stability in the world.
The Emir presented the Qatari experience in different humanitarian and development aspects, where Qatar has adopted an advanced policy of protection of human rights, care and protection of labour rights and in providing support to the needy people in different parts of the world.
The Emir explained the causes of the Syrian crisis by saying: The Syrian regime has misused the concept of terrorism, and called peaceful demonstration terror, while he practised the real terrorism, at the time the international community stood helpless.
When some people face a war of extermination, the worst decision is not to support or rescue them. He added that a political solution in Syria is possible if there is a will in certain countries, and if international efforts are coordinated to achieve this aim.
The Emir’s call to free the region from nuclear and mass destruction weapons was a sincere call reflecting the interests of the people and to maintain peace and stability in the region.
He said Iran is an important neighbour and cooperation with it is in the interest of the region, and he presented a political initiative to host talks between the GCC states and Iran to boost confidence, end tension and pave the way for positive ties in the interests of the region and the entire world.
At the opening session of UN General Assembly, many world leaders delivered speeches but they did not highlight our Arab and GCC issues although a majority of the hot issues in today’s world exist in Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Yemen and Libya.
Therefore, Emir’s speech was touching and reflected the concerns of the people and their issues, and highlighted the Qatari position, its humanitarian support and initiatives to achieve peaceful solutions in collaboration with regional and international organizations.
The Peninsula