Doha: Weather forecast in Qatar for Saturday morning issued by Qatar Meteorology Dept.
Warning : Inshore: Strong wind at places by afternoon.
Offshore: Strong wind and high seas
Weather : Inshore : Hazy to misty at places at first becomes partly cloudy to cloudy with chance of scattered rain
Wind: Inshore: Southeasterly -Southeasterly less than 10 kt becomes Northwesterly 10-18 kt/25 kt at places at times.
Offshore: Southeasterly Southwesterly 10-20 kt at first becomes Northwesterly reaches 26 kt.
Visibility : 4-8 km / 3 km or less at places at first.
Sea State : Inshore 1-3 ft at first rises to 4 ft at places.
Offshore: 3-5 ft rises to 6 at first reaches 6 ft.