Doha: The Public Works Authority, 'Ashghal', announced that a temporary closure of about 600 metres will be put in place on a section of Al kharaitiyat Street toward Doha where a section of Izghawa Street will also be closed.
The closure starts at the intersection of Al Kharaitiyat Street with 19th Street and ends 100 metres north of Al Tabah Petrol Station as shown in the map.
The closure starts on Friday December 4 for a period of 8 months and traffic will be diverted to 19th Street and Wadi Al Askar Street through the construction period.
This closure is required to carry out construction works of a bridge and upgrade works on Izghawa Street which forms part of the North Road enhancement project.
Ashghal will install road signs to advise motorists of the diversion. The authority requests all road users to abide by the speed limits, and follow the road signs to ensure their safety.
The Peninsula