DOHA: Qatar Charity (QC) has built 30 mosques and three Holy Quran learning centres in Bangladesh. It plans to build 449 mosques and 22 centres at a cost of QR25.9m this year.
The projects funded by donors from Qatar, are being executed by the QC office in Bangladesh. The premises were completed last month and are being furnished with fixtures like carpets, loudspeakers, ceiling fans and copies of the Holy Quran and other religious books before handing them over to authorities. More than 200,000 worshippers are expected to benefit.
Projects are being executed in villages where residents were forced to build religious facilities with bamboo wood and zinc sheets due to economic reason.
Most projects have been completed in the past 10 months, said Dr Mohamad Amin Hafiz, Director, QC Office and the remaining are expected to be completed by the year-end or early next year.
QC has executed development projects at a cost of QR4.6m in recent past in Bangladesh. The projects include general services, health, education, drinking water, religious and social facilities (mosques, Holy Quran learning centres and orphanages), he added.
According to supervisors of these projects, facilities are ready and expected to be commissioned this year, said Hafiz.
QC also provided humanitarian aid to Bangladesh and built 72 mosques in different places, at a cost of QR4m, benefitting over 10,000 people. QC has also built orphan houses and social centres for girls and arranged mass marriages in the country.
The Peninsula