DOHA: The Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Centre organised a training course for employees of the Public Works Authority (Ashghal) on Law No. 14 of 2015 on road occupancy.
The two-day training session at Ashghal’s Assets Affairs building was attended by employees who have been nominated to become enforcement officers of the above law.
The law forbids laying utility pipes or maintaining them or occupying the road with anything that might affect traffic safety, unless a permit is obtained from the department concerned at Ashghal.
The department concerned at Ashghal coordinates with the Traffic Department to issue the licence for contractors, consultants or other relevant entities to implement temporary closure of a road and provide traffic diversions if required.
The department is also responsible for supervision and monitoring of these works.
As per the law, the licensee shall comply with the conditions, technical procedures and the period specified in the licence.
They must also abide by the guidelines for excavation works as approved by the department.
The law also binds on the licensee to restore the public road to the previous status after completion of works.
The first day of the training included a presentation that explained the law and violations. It also explained how to prove, issue and deal with violations.
Dr Bashir Saad Zaghloul, Teacher of Criminal Law at College of Law at Qatar University gave the presentation. He showcased samples of issuing violations, and concluded with an interactive session with the trainees.
On the second day, Ahmed Matar Al Dousari, Environmental Prosecutor at Public Prosecution reviewed and discussed practical cases related to the law.
The training also aimed to help Ashghal’s new law enforcement officers to understand all legal aspects that surround their job, gain legal skills in working with violations and fixing them, and learning the key data that needs to be included in the violation record.
Ashghal said yesterday that it will coordinate with the centre to hold similar training sessions in English in the coming months.
The Peninsula