Sports / Athletics

Lost medal posted back to British Olympian

Published: 27 Oct 2012 - 03:08 am | Last Updated: 07 Feb 2022 - 01:04 am

LONDON: A British hockey player, whose Olympic bronze medal was allegedly stolen on a night out, has had it posted back to her.

Two bronze medals, belonging to Hannah Macleod and rower Alex Partridge, went missing as they visited a London nightclub after a reception at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday to celebrate the achievements of the 2012 athletes.

But a 31-year-old man was arrested on Thursday in connection with the thefts and bailed until November 23.

Less than 24 hours later, a police spokesman revealed Macleod’s medal had been posted anonymously to the England Hockey head office yesterday.

Macleod, 28, had taken to Twitter earlier in the week to ask whoever took the medal to post it back to the hockey headquarters.

On Wednesday she tweeted: “I’m not after punishment. If you picked up a Bronze Olympic medal that isn’t yours pls just send anonymously back to GB hockey-Bisham Abbey.”

She also told the Sun newspaper that she had been scouring eBay to see if it was on the auction website.

“I want it back so much. I had a look on eBay in case it ends up there,” she said.

“I’ve hardly slept since. I’ve just been standing by the phone, waiting for news.”

The police spokesman said officers were holding on to the medal while they continue their inquiry but that they would reuniting Hannah with her treasured prize shortly.

Meanwhile, Partridge’s jacket was handed in to a London police station on Thursday, but police are still searching for the 31-year-old’s medal.

Detective Chief Inspector James Harman said: “We are still looking to recover the second medal, and we stress that our inquiries remain active.

“Our appeals for information stand and I take this opportunity to reiterate them - if the public can help we ask them to do so.

“Alex’s medal has yet to be traced, and he is understandably keen to be reunited with it as soon as possible.”AFP