Doha: Visiting surgeons from Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals in the UK assisted in two kidney transplant procedures at Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC).
Dr Yousuf Al Maslamani, Medical Director, Hamad General Hospital and Director, Qatar Center for Organ Transplantation, said two women with kidney failure — a Qatari and a Jordanian — received two kidneys from their sisters in Doha.
The operations were done on consecutive days by a joint team and the patients were discharged in good health condition after a week.
Dr Riadh Fadhil, Director of the centre (Hiba), said HMC’s excellent record in organ transplants and medical-surgical team with extensive expertise in liver and kidney transplants give no reason for patients and their related donors to travel abroad for these procedures.
“Living related donation, as was the case with these two patients, is increasing in Qatar,” he said.
“We are using a non-invasive laparoscopic technique which has a faster recovery time. A majority of our donors leave the hospital within three days of surgery with smooth post-operative care, return to work and normal activities within a short time, and go on to lead a healthy life with regular follow-up care and healthcare coverage for life.”
Dr Al Maslamani said the British surgical team visited Doha as part of a wider collaboration between the two centres to share expertise and knowledge.
“HMC is providing transplant patients with world-class pre- and post-operative care by an organ transplant team of highly qualified professionals,” he said.
“We are encouraging patients to have surgeries and follow-up care in Qatar where we can provide safe, effective and compassionate care, instead of going abroad.”
The Peninsula