Doha: Teyseer Fuel Station in Al Wukair shut shop recently. This is the third fuel station to close in the last one month. In December the petrol station had put out a note on its premises saying that the petrol station will be shut down from first of January as the land has been acquired for public benefit.
A popular and the only petrol station in Al Wukair area, it was always crowded as many residential compounds are located in this area.
This closure is already putting a lot of pressure on the newly opened Woqood petrol station in Wakrah. Long queues were witnessed outside this station during peak hours.
Airport Petrol Station on the Doha-Al Wakra road was closed in the first week on January.
Prior to that the Falcon petrol station on D-Ring road, near Al Emadi Hospital, closed shop.
Woqod had opened its eighth service station for 2015 in Al Mas’habiya near Abu Samra border. They are planning to open many more in the near future and eventually plan to take the number to 100 by 2020.
The Peninsula