
SEC issues annual report cards on performance of schools

Published: 18 Jan 2016 - 02:33 am | Last Updated: 17 Nov 2021 - 12:57 am



DOHA: The Education Institute at the Supreme Education Council (SEC) has started issuing annual report cards on performance of Independent and private schools.
Report cards on 291 Independent, Arab private and international schools have been issued and can be accessed on the SEC website. The report aims to help parents and the public have information about the performance of the schools.
Ameena Hassan Al Obaidli, Director, School Assessment Office at the institute, said the card is one of the effective means for improving the performance of schools and enhancing the assessment system.
“This will help parents enhance interaction with schools and take the right decision to choose schools for their children because we are providing them with accurate information about various aspects of the school,” said Al Obaidli.
It also helps parents compare the performance of their children’s schools with previous years and see the change. The card includes academic achievements of the student, their marks in assessment tests, rate of parent and student satisfaction, teaching methodology, activities, school services, parents’ satisfaction about the curriculum, home work to given to students, level of parents’ interaction with school and educational environment and teachers who attained professional licence. It also shows whether a private school has achieved national or international accreditation and is part of the school voucher system. The SEC has invited schools to check the report and compare their performance with other schools. The report is the outcome of collective effort of students, parents, teachers employees and school directors. 

The Peninsula



DOHA: The Education Institute at the Supreme Education Council (SEC) has started issuing annual report cards on performance of Independent and private schools.
Report cards on 291 Independent, Arab private and international schools have been issued and can be accessed on the SEC website. The report aims to help parents and the public have information about the performance of the schools.
Ameena Hassan Al Obaidli, Director, School Assessment Office at the institute, said the card is one of the effective means for improving the performance of schools and enhancing the assessment system.
“This will help parents enhance interaction with schools and take the right decision to choose schools for their children because we are providing them with accurate information about various aspects of the school,” said Al Obaidli.
It also helps parents compare the performance of their children’s schools with previous years and see the change. The card includes academic achievements of the student, their marks in assessment tests, rate of parent and student satisfaction, teaching methodology, activities, school services, parents’ satisfaction about the curriculum, home work to given to students, level of parents’ interaction with school and educational environment and teachers who attained professional licence. It also shows whether a private school has achieved national or international accreditation and is part of the school voucher system. The SEC has invited schools to check the report and compare their performance with other schools. The report is the outcome of collective effort of students, parents, teachers employees and school directors. 

The Peninsula