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Ramadan and Arab revolutions

Dr. Khalid Al-Shafi

02 Aug 2011

Ramadan this year coincides with the revolution, counter-revolution, blood, murder and Arab peoples’ confrontation with the army, security guards, weapons and weapons of media, fatwas and irregular armed forces in the streets, cities, villages and dialogue in order to pre-empt all the legitimate demands for reforms, change and freedom. We will enter the month of Ramadan and we will, in all conditions, watch the real Arab TVs that portray the rivers of blood, humiliation and disgrace experienced by the peoples of the region who are looking for the most basic rights and we can only raise our hands in prayers so the Lord grants them victory and we will shower the curses on the one who is cause of it and often on Israel.

In Ramadan, we will face complexity including the demand of freedom and we will divert from the worship of Allah and submission to Him to the worship of dictator and the implementation of his orders, even we will kill others and drag them. The most famous slogan that is used in the frontline states today is “Allah, homeland, president etc. We will divert from remembering the death and the hereafter to the immersion in the worldly life, theft of public money, spreading corruption and looting the public property. The billions of dollars are accumulated in the accounts of the presidents, princes and elders in the country and abroad, while the citizens are dying of worry and distress to get their daily food. We will divert from remembering the poverty, hunger and subsistence of life to the excess in eating, drinking and food. We will throw the rest of the food in the garbage while millions of children, mothers and fathers are dying from poverty and hunger in Arab and Muslim world!

A picture published by Britain’s newspaper (The Independent) is very impressive and it is describing the condition faced by a country which is a member of the League of Arab States, it is Somalia. The picture shows a woman fastening a rope on her stomach in order to relieve her pain because of severe hunger. The picture was taken to express the horror and ugliness of starvation experienced by millions in the Horn of Africa and Somalia in particular. The picture is a spoof of slimming programs and the ones that endorsed by the international organizations to cut obesity without looking at the suffering of hungry people in Africa. The crisis, which Somalia is going through with its 99 percent Muslims population, is considered the worst humanitarian crisis in the world as a result of the worst waves of droughts in 60 years leaving behind death and the loss of huge numbers of animals and exposing the lives of millions of people to the starvation to death, of which one third of the population is suffering from hunger and the urgent need of humanitarian aid. The starvation leads to increase in the mortality rate on the two persons among every ten thousand people per day and mortality rates are exceeding 30 per cent among children under five years of age and the one child out of every ten children is at risk of starving to death in different regions of Somalia.

The Arab League, instead of taking the initiative and its Secretary-General’s visit to Mogadishu carrying with him the basic needs and financial and humanitarian assistance, initiated an appeal through a statement issued by the Secretariat of the League. The appeal of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly known as Islamic Conference) came as face-saving after the western international organizations initiated relief campaign and collected donations and emergency aid. The high commissioner of the UN for refugees’ affairs, Antonio Guterres appealed to the international community to assist the refugees in the Horn of Africa from the camp of displaced people in Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti, while the Secretary General of the Arab League was engaged in following the news of the revolution in Syria and presenting the statements humiliating a man who took the portfolio of Foreign Affairs. The Secretary-General of the Arab League ignored the systematic killing of thousands of Syrians, burial in mass graves and dismembering their bodies without scruples of conscience. He ignored the tanks, army and irregular armed forces deployed in the streets and alleys and said that Syria is moving towards the real reform. He assured the regime and its repressive system that the Arab League will not take any decision against what it is doing! This came when the experts from the United Nations in the field of human rights pointed out that the repression practiced by the Syrian security forces can be compared to the crimes against humanity. Can we imagine the opposite when the Secretary-General of the League of Arab will be a Syrian? What happened in Egypt before the departure of Mubarak is happening in Syria today such as the killing of people who came out in the Tahrir Square and still they came there, so what reaction would be? Is it fair to say the revolution in Cairo and taboo to say the same in Damascus and other Arab countries?!

What increases the anguish and pain is that the religion and its teachings involve politically preventing the arrival of aid to the victims in Somalia and the needy countries. A large number of elements that speak in the name of Islam and wear its cloak, refuse to participate and cooperate with the international humanitarian organizations and even some seek to fight against them. The elements of Islamic Somali militia “Al-Shabab” attacked three offices of agencies of the United Nations in Baidoa and Wajid accusing them of being enemies of Allah and Muslims. Ramadan is an opportunity to rethink, get back our senses, think about the past and present, learn from our mistakes and deal with our complicated issues in order to see a brighter future so we welcome Ramadan next year in a better situation.

Ramadan this year coincides with the revolution, counter-revolution, blood, murder and Arab peoples’ confrontation with the army, security guards, weapons and weapons of media, fatwas and irregular armed forces in the streets, cities, villages and dialogue in order to pre-empt all the legitimate demands for reforms, change and freedom. We will enter the month of Ramadan and we will, in all conditions, watch the real Arab TVs that portray the rivers of blood, humiliation and disgrace experienced by the peoples of the region who are looking for the most basic rights and we can only raise our hands in prayers so the Lord grants them victory and we will shower the curses on the one who is cause of it and often on Israel.

In Ramadan, we will face complexity including the demand of freedom and we will divert from the worship of Allah and submission to Him to the worship of dictator and the implementation of his orders, even we will kill others and drag them. The most famous slogan that is used in the frontline states today is “Allah, homeland, president etc. We will divert from remembering the death and the hereafter to the immersion in the worldly life, theft of public money, spreading corruption and looting the public property. The billions of dollars are accumulated in the accounts of the presidents, princes and elders in the country and abroad, while the citizens are dying of worry and distress to get their daily food. We will divert from remembering the poverty, hunger and subsistence of life to the excess in eating, drinking and food. We will throw the rest of the food in the garbage while millions of children, mothers and fathers are dying from poverty and hunger in Arab and Muslim world!

A picture published by Britain’s newspaper (The Independent) is very impressive and it is describing the condition faced by a country which is a member of the League of Arab States, it is Somalia. The picture shows a woman fastening a rope on her stomach in order to relieve her pain because of severe hunger. The picture was taken to express the horror and ugliness of starvation experienced by millions in the Horn of Africa and Somalia in particular. The picture is a spoof of slimming programs and the ones that endorsed by the international organizations to cut obesity without looking at the suffering of hungry people in Africa. The crisis, which Somalia is going through with its 99 percent Muslims population, is considered the worst humanitarian crisis in the world as a result of the worst waves of droughts in 60 years leaving behind death and the loss of huge numbers of animals and exposing the lives of millions of people to the starvation to death, of which one third of the population is suffering from hunger and the urgent need of humanitarian aid. The starvation leads to increase in the mortality rate on the two persons among every ten thousand people per day and mortality rates are exceeding 30 per cent among children under five years of age and the one child out of every ten children is at risk of starving to death in different regions of Somalia.

The Arab League, instead of taking the initiative and its Secretary-General’s visit to Mogadishu carrying with him the basic needs and financial and humanitarian assistance, initiated an appeal through a statement issued by the Secretariat of the League. The appeal of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly known as Islamic Conference) came as face-saving after the western international organizations initiated relief campaign and collected donations and emergency aid. The high commissioner of the UN for refugees’ affairs, Antonio Guterres appealed to the international community to assist the refugees in the Horn of Africa from the camp of displaced people in Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti, while the Secretary General of the Arab League was engaged in following the news of the revolution in Syria and presenting the statements humiliating a man who took the portfolio of Foreign Affairs. The Secretary-General of the Arab League ignored the systematic killing of thousands of Syrians, burial in mass graves and dismembering their bodies without scruples of conscience. He ignored the tanks, army and irregular armed forces deployed in the streets and alleys and said that Syria is moving towards the real reform. He assured the regime and its repressive system that the Arab League will not take any decision against what it is doing! This came when the experts from the United Nations in the field of human rights pointed out that the repression practiced by the Syrian security forces can be compared to the crimes against humanity. Can we imagine the opposite when the Secretary-General of the League of Arab will be a Syrian? What happened in Egypt before the departure of Mubarak is happening in Syria today such as the killing of people who came out in the Tahrir Square and still they came there, so what reaction would be? Is it fair to say the revolution in Cairo and taboo to say the same in Damascus and other Arab countries?!

What increases the anguish and pain is that the religion and its teachings involve politically preventing the arrival of aid to the victims in Somalia and the needy countries. A large number of elements that speak in the name of Islam and wear its cloak, refuse to participate and cooperate with the international humanitarian organizations and even some seek to fight against them. The elements of Islamic Somali militia “Al-Shabab” attacked three offices of agencies of the United Nations in Baidoa and Wajid accusing them of being enemies of Allah and Muslims. Ramadan is an opportunity to rethink, get back our senses, think about the past and present, learn from our mistakes and deal with our complicated issues in order to see a brighter future so we welcome Ramadan next year in a better situation.