Dr. Khalid Al-Shafi
With Allah’s help and His grace, I start from today my new career as editor in-chief of The Peninsula newspaper, continuing its successful journey with more productivity and hard work as a platform for combining news, professionalism and seriousness, keen to provide everything new in the world of press and media.
It is my pleasure to take this responsibility at a time of strong media focus on our beloved country, Qatar, at the local and international levels. A nation moving step by step towards more successes due to the wise policies of Emir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and the strategic plans set by the Father Emir H H Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. Qatar today is a global icon for development, good governance, integrity, transparency, institutions and rule of law.
Qatar today is also a hub of giant projects, a centre for international conferences, a platform for dialogue and reconciliation of warring parties from different places.
It is a famous regional centre from where humanitarian support convoys depart to help afflicted people all over the world.
The global indexes are showing our beloved country in a leading position in development, causing surprise in the world and the recent UN compliment for the Qatari support to the Palestinian cause is just one example, as well as its support to different countries without any conditions or interests, or ambitions for global political influences.
Such a great stature and political presence make the responsibility of taking this position of editor in-chief of an English daily an enviable task which requires preparations and concerted efforts for developing plans to achieve the desired goals.
Modern administrative methods are based on challenges, which lead to further success, and big ambitions fuel efforts to achieve the aims. Therefore, with the support of the team of Peninsula, which shares with me the burden of achieving these goals, God willing, we will be trustworthy before the Chairman of Board of Directors, Sheikh Thani bin Abdullah Al Thani, and Sheikh Dr Khalid bin Thani Al Thani, who are leading this mega media corporation.
Qatar media institutions are currently witnessing significant qualitative developments under the leadership of those in charge of Qatar Media Corporation, which made the presence of Qatari media strong and its voice audible and influential. The state is encouraging Qatari youth to play the desired role in creating media events and presenting outstanding media figures in line with the current development of the state.
I promise our readers innovative touches and a new editorial style adding value to the previously achieved development and creativity. We want to dedicate this paper for the further growth of Qatar and make it a national mouthpiece which takes part in the Qatari media discourse with deep thought, accurate stances and a commitment to just causes.
English media in Qatar is a platform for interacting with other cultures; to introduce the identity, culture and heritage of Qatar to other nations in order to create an imprint of civilised image and convey facts to the local and Arab societies which draw its roots from Islamic religion.
Our slogan for the coming period will be: The Peninsula is a newspaper for nationals and expatriates where they can get news with a high level of professionalism which can be a reference for truth, information and services related to the wider society.
Finally, I am aware that success can’t be achieved with one hand, however strong it is. Therefore I invite all, including our dear readers, to constantly communicate and interact with us to achieve our common goals and develop English media in Qatar.
The Peninsula