College of the North Atlantic – Qatar (CNA-Q) held a certificate distribution ceremony for coaches and training officers from the National Service Academy (NSA), following the completion of a two-month training on ‘Health and Wellness.’ Present at the ceremony were Dr. Salem Al Naemi, CNA-Q President; Major General Saeed Hamad Alnuimi, Commander, NSA; First Lieu-tenant Ahmed Hassan Ashir; and Dr. Jean Moraros, Dean of School of Health Sciences at CNA-Q.
School of Health Sciences tailored this programme for NSA trainers with the aim of developing their skills in health and wellness. 14 NSA trainers participated in the programme and followed courses about nutrition and exercise, and the role that both play in improving health and wellness.
Participants also reviewed common mental health con-cerns and learned techniques that help in stress management. In the practical section, the par-ticipants completed a CPR training and obtained their CPR provider certificate by AHA (American Health Association). School of Health Sciences at CNA-Q is an accredited center for AHA which provides training to many community and clinical stakeholders in Qatar.Major General Saeed Hamad Alnuimi said, “NSA partners with many stake-holders at the national level to develop its programs.
Our col-laboration with School of Health Sciences at CNA-Q is a special partnership that we value. CNA-Q is considered one of the leading educational insti-tutions in the region and a partner of choice for developing our programs. We extend our thanks to Dr. Salem Al Naemi, College of the North Atlantic – Qatar’s President and everyone who has been involved in this program.” Dr. Salem Al Naemi, said: “This collaboration is the result of the MoU that we signed with NSA in March 2021.
The agreement puts forward action points that explore joint initia-tives and experience exchange in the fields of education, research, training and devel-opment in addition to con-ducting customized teaching programs and academic initia-tives.
Today, we celebrate the conclusion of one of these pro-grams “Health and Wellness” devised by our School of Health Sciences for the NSA trainers. I would like to thank Major General Saeed Hamad Alnuimi, Commander of the National Service Academy for his trust in College of the North Atlantic – Qatar and for the strong col-laboration that permitted us to set a solid foundation for this important training program.”Commenting on this part-nership, Dr. Jean Moraros said: “This promising collaboration between CNA-Q and NSA sig-nificantly contributes to the academic development of the NSA coaches and training officers, and helps highlight our true partnership in serving the best interests of Qatar.”