Doha Today / Campus

AFG College with the University of Aberdeen marks National Sport Day

Published: 18 Feb 2024 - 09:43 am | Last Updated: 18 Feb 2024 - 09:56 am
Staff and students of AFG College with the University of Aberdeen celebrating Qatar’s National Sport Day.

Staff and students of AFG College with the University of Aberdeen celebrating Qatar’s National Sport Day.

The Peninsula

Doha, Qatar: AFG College with the University of Aberdeen, celebrated Qatar’s National Sport Day, with its annual event being held at the Al Gharafa multi-purpose sports tent. The event was attended by AFG College Principal, Brian Buckley along with students, staff and families of AFG College, who participated in a number of pre-planned functions. 

AFG College Chairperson and Founder, Dr. Sheikha Aisha Bint Faleh Al Thani said: “The annual National Sport Day is an opportunity for our students, staff and community to come together and show their determination to live a healthier and happier lifestyle.

“I was delighted that that so many students and staff from AFG College have turned out, and which was made even more enjoyable given Qatar’s success in the Asian Cup final. Such sporting events, like the one held at the dome, is a fantastic opportunity for people to come together to show their support of the vision of our Amir HH Shk Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.”

Principal of AFG College with the University of Aberdeen Brian Buckley said, “Now in its 13th year, the National Sport Day, continues to go from strength to strength.

“As we come together as institution to take part in this important activity, we continue to be guided by our values and those outlined in the 2030 Qatar National Vision, we are committed to supporting the physical and mental health of our students and staff, as well as our local community. We would like to thank our sponsor Doha Insurance Group for their support in this year’s event.”