Doha: As the power consumption surges during the summer, reaching over 8,000 megawatts in a day, Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa) has urged consumers to rationalise their electricity use.
Figures released by Kahramaa show a significant surge in the electricity demand in recent days, rising from 7,905 megawatts on July 18 to 8,435 megawatts on July 24.
“Save electricity and water for a better life,” Kahramaa said in tweet. However, the utility provider said it maintained the stability of electricity supply without any significant power outages. “The Technical performance of electricity transmission grid recorded unprecedented performance levels despite the unavoidable situation due to COVID-19 outbreak,” it added.
Kahramaa's National Program for Conservation and Energy Efficiency (Tarsheed) has helped in rationalising electricity and water consumption significantly since its launch in 2012.
During 2020, Tarsheed succeeded in reducing electricity consumption by 289 GWh, and water by 32 million cubic metres, according to an earlier report issued by Kahramaa.
Its policies have also contributed to saving an estimated 3,207 million cubic feet of gas and reducing harmful carbon emissions resulting from operations in the electricity and water sectors by about 0.4 million tonnes. These efforts and serious policies have resulted in financial savings estimated at about QR300m. Tarsheed’s achievements extended to the legislative and technical field with several important initiatives during 2020, including the implementation of energy efficiency regulations in various sectors, and setting standard specifications for air conditioners energy efficiency.
Efforts are still ongoing in this context, as an initiative was recently announced to reduce consumption in the residential sector by 5%. It is expected that this initiative will achieve financial savings of QR212m, and will make a landmark difference in the consumption pattern of the residential sector.
Kahramaa Park also played a prominent role in spreading the culture of sustainability during the pandemic, as more than 40 virtual workshops were organised for schools and Qatar Museums.
In February 2020, before the outbreak of the pandemic, the Tarsheed Carnival 2020 was organised to act as a platform for learning and research in the field of conservation and energy efficiency, attracting more than 10,000 visitors.